Binet et les magiciens

Sans titreDans le prochain numéro de l’American Journal of Psychology, Serge Nicolas publie en collaboration avec Cyril Thomas et André Didierjean un article sur les recherches de Binet concernant les magiciens.

Scientific Study of Magic: Binet’s Pioneering Approach Based on Observations and Chronophotography
In 1894, the French psychologist Alfred Binet (1857-1911) published an article entitled “The Psychology of Prestidigitation”that reportedthe results of a study conducted incollaboration with two of the best magicians ofthat period. By using a new method and new observation techniques, Binet was able to reveal some of the psychological mechanisms involved in magic tricks. Our article begins by presenting Binet’s method and the principal professional magicians that participated in his studies. Next, we present the main psychological “tools” of magicians described by Binet and look at some recent studies  dealing with those mechanisms. Finally, we take a look at the innovative technique used by Binet forhis study on magic: the chronophotograph.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Alfred Binet (10 mai 2016). Binet et les magiciens. Société Binet-Simon. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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